Saturday, April 12, 2008

Long time, no see!

It's been almost a year since I was on last. It's now Saturday 12th of April 2008.
A lot has happened since I last wrote. I have a part time job at the local chemist (I'm a pharmacy assistant). And I am doing a few courses run by TAFE at the Corryong College, senior campus. But the most important news is that we are moving, not far, but into NSW, 4 km's across the river from Tintaldra in the Waleragang area. We are moving on to a dairy farm. I love it. It's great if you don't mind getting dirty.

We have 24 poddy calves at the moment, although we have weaned 2 of them. They are so cute!!! We have almost named them all. They test your patience when you are teaching them to suck from the milk feeders, but it's worth it when you see them out in the paddock a couple of years later with calves of their own. You get very attatched to them.

Well, I'd better go, it's almost tea time.

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