Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mum and Dad are back tomorrow :)

Wow, that ten days went so quick! I will be very glad to see my parents, but I have really enjoyed the time they have been away. I guess it has felt very independant. Maybe it's time to move out... :D No, just joking. Not time for that yet. We have been very busy while they were away, we had visitors, been different places (i.e. Mama's and Pop's, the Festival and the farmer's market) and it was really good.
And I cured my cow! She had mastitis, not the normal white spotty stuff, her milk was all watery and browny/yellow. Eeww! But we got soem antibiotics from the vet and jabbed her every day for 3 days. It's all cleared up now.
There isn't actually very much to write about, so when there is something interesting I'll write again.

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