Monday, June 15, 2009


Today was very sad for me... Last week one of our friends had a terrible loss. Her husband, who was suffering from MS, died. So everyone around town has been a bit down since then, but today I found out that it wasn't from the MS that he died. He commited suicide. That nearly broke my heart. He had been saying for years that he wasn't going to just waste away. I think it was incredibly selfish of him. He doesn't know the pain it has caused his wife and the boys. All he was worried about was not being a vegetable. Although maybe he thought it would be easier on his family not to see him wasting away. I don't know and probably never will, but I feel terribly for his wife and sons.

But on a brighter note, I'm gong to get a little bit of paid time at the school! Tina, the other aide, won't be there for a day so she got the school to give me her hours. And as I'm only a relief aide... I get paid heaps more.

Ayala got sick with a cold/flu yesterday. We asked her if she had started "oink-ing" yet (!). But when she went to the doctor, they said that, no,it was only a cold. Phew!

My baby sister is goin to turn 15 on Thursday!!! I can't believe it! She is old enough to get a job... to be considered nearly grown up. Wow! I never even thought this would make me feel OLD. And what makes me feel older is that my baby brother is about to turn 13. And I'm old enough to move out of home (not that I'm going to!), to get a car, to be totally independant. Well, nearly totally independant. Sort of... lol.

Well, I have to go. It's tea time...
God bless,

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