Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I need a holiday!!!

Ahhh! I don't know what it is about work that gets to me... I love it, but at the moment my boss isn't being very smart. She won't turn the heater on, she will go for a bike ride in the middle of the day to who knows where (which is highy illegal because a pharmacist isn't allowed to leave the premises during working hours if there isn't another pharmacist on duty.) she gives us an impossible amount of work to do in a busy day the wonders why it isn't all done at the end of the day, and when it isn't busy she wants us to be doing something all the time. And the other thing that bothers me is customers getting cranky when you don't meet their expectations (or in other words: that you aren't perfect.) I think it is time for a holiday... Like to the top of Queensland for the rest of the winter! Where it is nice and warm. :D

Does anyone have any brilliant ideas for a short story topic? I might be entering a competition called "Haywire". You have to live in a rural Australian community and be between the ages of 16 and 20. At the moment I am about all topic-ed out!

I have to go, I'm just about falling asleep on my computer!

God Bless

"Some throught the water,
Some through the flood,
Some through the fire
But all throught the blood.
Some through great sorrow,
But God gives a song
In the night season
And all the day long."


Katherine Alice said...

Sarah, the whole idea is to write your own story, topic and all!! :)

SarahMCF said...

I know, but I have to have some sort of "idea"... :)