Friday, March 18, 2011

Photos :) (finally!)

Our faithful old dog, Liz.

Part of our farm in spring. And some moos.

Bugsy! Well, her real name is Tikvah, but we call her mum 'Boogie' so she's 'Bugsy'.

This is a view through the bush of what the countryside is like. There are a lot of valleys and there a lot of bigger valleys and river flats, but other than that, this is pretty typical terrain. Other than this photo was taken in the middle of summer in the middle of a really bad drought! It's actually a lot prettier than this.

And this is what the bush is like behind our place. This is why we have such bad bushfires. So much undergrowth and dry grass. This is why the DSE does fuel reduction burns every autumn. This part of the bush is actually really damp (this photo WAS taken in the middle of the drought!) so it hasn't burnt in anyone's living memory.

Poddy calves. :D

Jerse. Isn't she beautiful?!

Now, these of the calves aren't the bestest photos ever, they're just for identification purposes, but I'm going to try get down a bit later in the day to take some nice ones.

Until next time!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, everything is so beautiful! And those li'l calves (as well as Bugsy) are just precious. :)